Louise_Des Places

Louise Des Places

Art curator, gallery director, writer, journalist
Berlin, Germany

Louise Des Places

Art curator, gallery director, writer, journalist
Berlin, Germany


Art curator, project manager and gallery director with an education in art, literature, journalism, and communication. I organize and curate exhibitions and events as an independent curator, and at Luisa Catucci ARTLAB. I write for several art magazines and produce texts for artists and art spaces. Over the years I have worked in several art residencies, foundations, museums and galleries, in France, Belgium, Germany and Sweden.


Luisa Catucci Gallery ART LAB
Independent Art Curator
Index - The Swedish Art Foundation
Bozartistes Magazine
Co-founder and curator "Lonely Arts" collective
Beware Magazine
Somos Art House (Berlin art space)
Mauvais Magazine
Socl:e collective
Artist assistant
Galerie Bertrand Grimont
Retard Magazine
Maze Magazine
Ideat Magazine
L'Epaule Sorbonnade
The Ladies Network
La boutonnière


Ecole W
Ecole W
Sorbonne IV
Sorbonne IV


Luisa Catucci Gallery ART LAB

Motel 42

Eloïse Labarbe-Lafon's solo exhibition
Luisa Catucci Gallery ART LAB

A Spider’s Guide to Stillness

Emily Tonelli's solo exhibition
Luisa Catucci Gallery ART LAB

Untitled (back when we met)

Nitsan Margaliot and Antoine Mermet's work relates to various queer meetings using video, textile, text, sound, and performance. The exhibition holds testimonies and traces related to encounters around the bed and the weight it carries, exploring intimacy and queer trajectories
Luisa Catucci Gallery ART LAB


Solo exhibition by Iouri Podladtchikov, curated by Louise des Places.
Independent Art Curator

Lena Zak - Exhibition at Spätibros (basement) in Berlin

Basements transcend mere physicality, serving as initiatory realms where the courageous confront the shadows of the psyche. Through a fusion of unconscious instinct and intuitive creativity, Lena Zak paints her own experience as a woman and how to reclaim and control her inner power and strength...
Independent Art Curator

Liminality - Exhibition at Culterim Gallery

Navigating different stages of life, whether it’s the uncertainties of the twenties, a change of scenery, the loss of a situation, or a loved one, plunges us into a state of liminality. 'Liminality' presents 13 artists capturing the emotions that define the liminal spaces most of us must traverse..

Exhibition Women @ Audible

I got invited by Audible to present some poems and film photos, and do a reading.
Independent Art Curator

Curatorial essay, "Liminality"

Curatorial essay for my upcoming group exhibition, "Liminality"
Independent Writer

Texte pour Cécile André, sur sa série "Les roseaux sauvages"

Texte pour Cécile André, sur sa série "Les roseaux sauvages".
Independent Art Curator

Eloïse Labarbe~Lafon - Album, solo exhibition

Eloise Labarbe Lafon's solo exhibition at EST Galerie
Independent Art Curator

aguabolero - Lucia Tello's solo exhibition

thank you all for coming to 𝘢𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘰, Lucia Tello’s solo exhibition at Badr El Jundi Gallery in Madrid. Each artwork encapsulates hidden worlds within, inviting one to look deeper into the heart of their creation, and demonstrating that even the tiniest pieces can offer vast experiences.
Independent Art Curator

aguabolera, Lucia Tello's solo exhibition at Badr El Jundi Gallery (Madrid)

I am pleased to share the curatorial essay I wrote for "aguabolero" - Lucia Tello's solo exhibition at Badr El Jundi Gallery, in Madrid.

Tehching Hsieh: doing time – One Year Performance(s)

"Although Tehching Hsieh may not embrace the label of a "spiritual guide," his work has prompted me to reflect upon my own relationship with time. I have become more conscious of its passage, yet without passing judgment on how I choose to spend it", writes arts journalist and curator....

Des festivals électro à la Philharmonie de Paris, Rone crée des ponts entre les mondes

Figure incontournable de la scène électronique française, Rone (de son vrai nom, Erwan Castex) se passerait presque d’introduction. Avec sept albums studio à son actif, une décoration comme Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, et un César de la meilleure musique originale...
Index - The Swedish Art Foundation

Performance Evening: Leaving is Some Sort of Staying

Leaving is Some Sort of Staying is an event presenting a series of three performances by Sepideh Khodarahmi, Linda Nurk and Daiane Rafaela; curated by Louise des Places and Jonas van Kappel.
Independent Writer

Texte d'exposition Moments de Grâce

Eloïse Labarbe~Lafon (@bambivader) on Instagram: "*moments de grâce* group show @solariummarseille @melanimotu 🤍 vernissage le 15 juin....
Bozartistes Magazine

Interview Loïse Alline

Interview de l'artiste Loïse Alline
Bozartistes Magazine

Playlist Bozartistes

For Bozartistes Magazine, I invited 13 artists to take part of an illustrated playlist, to talk about their favorite song, and make an original illustration of it. All the illustrations and the texts are available online in French (easily translatable) on Bozartistes: https://lnkd.in/dgaGjSVK
Bozartistes Magazine

Revue Bozartistes - Suspension

Bozartistes est une association à but non lucratif qui a comme mission de promouvoir les jeunes artistes. La revue Bozartistes. a pour ambition d’offrir un espace à une génération d'artistes contemporains qui vit l'actualité de notre monde au plus près...

Portrait : Jacques Merle et la poésie de la nostalgie

Jacques Merle est un artiste plasticien pluridisciplinaire qui vit et travaille à Paris. Sa pratique artistique tourne autour du portrait masculin, dans un style spontané, naïf, et délicat…
Independent Writer

Text for Iouri Podlatchikov 's exhibition "You're Probably Right" at Lighthaus Zurich

Text for Iouri Podlatchikov 's exhibition "You're Probably Right" at Lighthaus Zurich
Lonely Arts Collective

Manifesto - Lonely Arts Collective

Lonely Arts exists to connect people through creativity. We generate opportunities for collaboration and germination, by making a world where you can be present. We are a vessel for a sense of belonging, that harnesses our rich diversity...
Curatrice indépendante / Independent art curator

Exhibition 𝒱𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒾𝑔𝑒𝓈 at 3537, Paris

curated with Quentin Fromont with Youri Johnson, Corentin Darre, Shayna Klee, Louise Mervelet, Loïse Alline, Mayotte de Saulieu, Anna Haillot, Zoe Metra, Celia Boulesteix, Pauline d’Andigné, Charlotte Heninger, Camille Juthier, Elia Valet, Prune, Camille Chatelain, Marcelle Germaine, Frederik Exner
Culture Touch'

Conférence ICP: Artistes en exil

J'ai été invitée à animer la conférence "Artistes en exil" organisée par Culture Touch' à l'ICP. Avec la participation de Judith Depaule, directrice de l'atelier des artistes en exil. Comment continuer de créer loin de son pays en temps de guerre ? [...]
Independent Writer

Website text - Frances Joy Macgregor

Text for artist Frances Joy Macgregor

Prix ICART Artistik Rezo

Je suis très heureuse de faire partie de l'organisation de la 15ème édition du Prix ICART Artistik Rezo ! Créé en 2008, le Prix ICART Artistik Rezo vise à promouvoir la création contemporaine en distinguant les jeunes talents.
Lonely Arts Collective


Do you want to meet other creatives and feel part of an active community? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Lonely Arts – an interdisciplinary collective of visual artists, animators, community organisers, curators, DJ’s, writers and editors – invites you to the first edition of our...
Lonely Arts Collective

Exhibition Elsi 1 Year Anniversary at ÆDEN Berlin

We are very excited to announce that we, Lonely Arts Collective, are partnering up with Elsi Music for their 1 Year Anniversary at ÆDEN Berlin! We will be presenting an art installation throughout the whole venue. https://lnkd.in/eajsNHTK
Lonely Arts Collective

Queer Meltdown

We are happy to present an amazing selection of artists from the FLINTA and/or Queer community. Come over to Haus der Statistik on Sunday 10th July, to see our amazing program: ✨Exhibition ✨Art market ✨Performances ✨Tattoo Corner ✨Fundraising tombola to win artworks! ✨Music & Drinks
Curatrice indépendante / Independent art curator

Autoscopy by Hippolyte Thillard — Backhaus Projects

Curated by Louise des Places, the exhibition Autoscopy by Hippolyte Thillard, culminates the various practices of the artist in his exploration of body and spirit. Across mediums of charcoal, video & performance the artist envisages a dalliance of bodily vulnerability and fragility [...]
SomoS Arts House

Exhibition text for Jessina Leonard's solo show First Sweet Truth

The solo exhibition "First Sweet Truth" by US artist Jessina Leonard connects photography, literature, history, religion, and gender.
SomoS Arts House

Poster for Nathalie Rey's exhibition No Soy Un Objeto Sexual

Poster I've realized for an art exhibition.
SomoS Arts House

Exhibition Pressure Drop

Works by women artists from diverse backgrounds for the 48h Neukölln Festival. The works offer telepathic communication, the re-imagining of ancient spiritual motifs into modern technology, the appreciation of femininity in all genders, and the artistic exploration of the topic of safe spaces
Mauvais Magazine

(Mauvais) Rêves - Mauvais Magazine

Exposition en ligne. J'ai demandé à des proches et inconnu.e.s de me raconter leurs rêves, et invité 4 artistes à les interpréter librement. Grand merci aux artistes Jacques Merle, Eloïse Labarbe-Lafon, Jimena Guajardo et Crystel Pereira.
Lonely Arts Collective

Exhibition 'Against deserted planets'

I am proud to invite you to 'Against deserted planets', the first exhibition I'm organizing with my art collective Lonely Arts; and the second exhibition...
SomoS Arts House

Exhibition 'Holding the Line - Creative Resistance from Ukraine'

𝘏𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘓𝘪𝘯𝘦 features the work from refugee artists and activists in Berlin, next to contributions from their colleagues back home. Together we decided to organize an exhibition to highlight their experience, to raise awareness and funds
Beware Magazine

Quentin Fromont : plongeon au cœur de la mythologie homoérotique

Quentin Fromont et son art poétique emprunt d'homoérotisme.
Beware Magazine

Figues, bûches, et allumettes : l’univers obsessionnel d’Adam Lupton

Adam Lupton s’est fait connaitre ces dernières années pour ses peintures figuratives, parfois accompagnées d’installations et de vidéos...
Co-founder and curator "Lonely Arts" collective

Lonely Arts collective

Co-founder and curator of the Berlin-based creative collective "Lonely Arts". First exhibition : April 2022 @lonelyartscollective
Mauvais Magazine

Synesthésie : sentir la couleur et voir la musique - Mauvais Magazine

Synesthésie : du grec syn, ensemble, et aisthesis, sensation Est-ce que vous voyez des couleurs quand vous pensez à quelqu’un […]
Curatrice indépendante / Independent art curator

Exposition "Ce que le jour doit à la nuit"

Exposition collective "Huit heures, il est l’heure de replonger dans la vie. Votre main cherche à éteindre le réveil qui, cruel, tente de vous arracher aux bras de Morphée. Vos yeux sont ouverts, mais comment savoir si vous n’étiez pas plus éveillé.e dans vos rêves que dans la réalité ? [...]"
Curatrice indépendante / Independent art curator

Exposition "Et iels vécurent heureu.x.ses"

Exposition collective « Et iels vécurent heureu.x.ses » est la célébration simple et pourtant renversante de l’amour sous toutes ses formes, qu’il soit tourné vers soi-même ou vers les autres. Une ode à nos relations passées, présentes et futures ; [...]
Beware Magazine

Lily Fei : voyage d’exploration du post-féminisme

Article sur Lily Fei
Beware Magazine

Miriam Dema, la peinture des moments partagés

Miriam Dema est une peintre espagnole, née à Barcelone en 1995...
Independent Writer

Website texts - Steve Pitocco

Texts about artist Steve Pitocco
Beware Magazine

Les corps-enveloppes d’Abigaël Coeffier

Des corps tatoués sous une lumière douce, des amis enlacés ou drapés de dentelles, des gens qui s'aiment et un regard bienveillant sur des peaux abimées...
Beware Magazine

Arc de Triomphe empaqueté : l’œuvre posthume de Christo et Jeanne-Claude a débuté

Depuis leur rencontre à Paris en 1958 et jusqu'à leurs décès, le couple d'artistes Christo Vladimiroff Javacheff (1935-2020) et Jeanne-Claude Denat...
Beware Magazine

Daisy Parris peint des paysages intérieurs abstraits

À travers ses peintures abstraites, ou à base de textes, Daisy Parris (1993, Kent, UK) peint un espace psychologique intime et lumineux, d'une grande force émotionnelle...
Beware Magazine

Carlota Guerrero : l’énergie féminine sacrée

Carlota Guerrero est une artiste espagnole, originaire de Barcelone...
Beware Magazine

Davide Hjort Di Fabio remet le rococo au goût du jour

Davide Hjort Di Fabio remet le rococo au gout du jour dans son Versaille 2020.